Ever see a picture or a motion picture rather changing ..
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is one of the format used. There are several characteristics of the GIF image formats;
* Able to deliver the maximum 256 colors for GIF format uses 8-bit for each pixelnya.
* Compress images with lossless nature
* Supports transparent colors and simple animation
Format GIF or animated GIF called first introduced by CompuServe in 1987.
Below is an example of a simple GIF image I ever made;
My friends are interested in it!
How do I create one??
How to create a GIF image or animated GIF g hard-very hard to reply any intention and effort: r (halah..) Who first provided the tools needed to temen,
among others (for making the first image);
* Provide Adobe Photoshop (for creating PNG image files, or JPG)
* Create a JPG image 2 as the size below 100 x 100 px;
- Sediakan Adobe Fireworks,Create New Fireworks Documents(PNG) dengan ukuran canvas 100 x 100 px (sesuai gambar sebelumnya yang kita buat);
To keep in mind;
the Optimized and Align to Optimize make sure the save settingnya "Animated GIF WebSnap 128" and the Export File format "Animated GIFs"# - Adding a Frame (this time we just need to add 1 frame) and Import images on the worksheet,
right-click on the "Pages and Layers and Frames and History" and then select Add Frames and 1 karna inser1kan we only need 2 Frame.
Right-click on the worksheet select Import (CTRL + R) enter the first image that has been provided (make sure the "Pages and Layers and Frames and History" we select Frame 1), next to the "Pages and Layers and Frames and History" select Frame 2 we treat the same as what happened on Frame 1 but we importnya the 2nd picture. - Delay Frame setting, we are setting delays each picture in each frame
50 in the same frame delay means 50/100 second or half a second, so the image will alternate every 0.5
- Finally we export project we have made, on the menu bar choose File - Export ... or "Ctrl + Shift + R"
- Kita berkunjung here,
- Click the "Browse" and select a picture of his which wrote the've been in the computer disiapin temen-temen:). vote one aja dulu ya ': D. click "open"
- Next repeat again to enter to the 2nd and so on up to 10 images. Karna this site can only serve 10 files aja,: o kalo images more than 10 tutorials that follow the first course was:),
- At the bottom of the file in the browse've been on the site there are several columns. column contains one option (SIZE) the size of the image that is generated. Now the other option column (SPEED) its velocity delay.
- Click Continue on the bottom corner,
- Wait a minute and appeared process GIF images that have been in his message along with html code as well. :): D
Gimana caranya agar gambar GIF bisa di Upload ke blog???? dan bisa bergerak....
Berguna bagi saya....
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